If you are the victim of a car accident, prepare to provide a deposition as part of filing an insurance claim with the negligent party. The deposition is the process of meeting with attorneys or legal representatives to answer questions about your case while under oath. The attorneys listen to your deposition to decide if the claim should be paid by the insurer. When you provide a deposition, there are some key mistakes you want to avoid. The following are some examples of what not to do during a deposition:
Do Not Lie
You will be asked questions about your car accident during your deposition, and it is critical that you answer honestly. Keep in mind that the questions may not only pertain to the accident itself. The attorneys may ask you about your past driving records or any personal incidents. No matter how you feel about the questions, you must provide a truthful answer no matter how much you might not like a question. In most cases, your background will not impact your case as long as there is strong proof the other party was acting negligently and caused the accident and your subsequent damages to occur.
If you are asked specifically about certain parts of the accident, answer honestly even if you think your answer could negatively impact your case. For instance, if the attorney asks if you drank any alcohol on the day of the accident and you are not truthful, the outcome of your case can be jeopardized once the attorney learns you actually drank a beer or two. The police report likely has all the information the attorneys will ask you. An attorney will verify all evidence prior to your questioning, so always be honest.
Do Not Go Overboard with Your Answers
In addition to being truthful with your deposition answers, you also do not want to go overboard. Try not to exaggerate any details of the accident in hopes of strengthening your case. For example, if you are asked about the severity of your injuries and you claim that you cannot work at all when you really are physically able to do so, you could be accused of exaggerating your injury to get a higher settlement. A better answer to this type of question is that your ability to work at your normal capacity as before is now diminished due to your injuries from the accident.
If you need help, a car accident lawyer can help you prepare for the deposition.