When one party decides to take another to court, proper notification must be given. The law requires that any individual being sued in civil court must have the opportunity to respond to the allegations against him or her and prepare a defense. This notification typically comes through a process server.
A process server delivers important legal documents, then creates a record of delivery so that the recipient cannot say they were unaware of the legal proceedings against them. Most clients want lawsuits to be resolved quickly, and speeding up the process service can be a great way to reduce the amount of time a lawsuit takes.
1. Work out the recipient's schedule with your client.
The most efficient way to serve legal papers to an individual is for the process server to show up at the location where the recipient is located. An attorney's office will not be familiar with a recipient's schedule, but their client might be.
Ask your client for any information he or she may have on the recipient's schedule. Knowing when an individual will be at work or at home allows the process server to reduce the number of attempts required to complete service. This, in turn, speeds up the lawsuit and helps your client reach a resolution quickly.
2. Obtain a driver's license number whenever possible.
Sometimes an individual being sued cannot be located through traditional means. These hard-to-find defendants will require due process in order to complete service. Due process often requires working with the Department of Motor Vehicles to identify alternate addresses for a defendant.
The DMV can also provide information on a defendant's registered vehicles to help the process server locate him or her. Without a driver's license number, it can take time for the DMV to track down your defendant. If you are able to supply the defendant's driver's license number, you can receive information in a matter of days.
3. Create a thorough cover letter.
Law firms outsource their process service needs to specialized process servers. Requests for service arrive with a cover letter that provides details on who the defendant is and where he or she can be found.
If you have multiple addresses for your defendant, include all of these locations in the cover letter. A process server will only attempt service at the location you have provided, and you could be wasting valuable time if the defendant could be served with ease at another location. For more information, contact a business like AAA Attorney Service Co Of Ny Inc .