As a working adult, you will probably encounter several different employers in your lifetime and you will likely have a lot of different work experiences. While most of the time everything will be smooth sailing, there can be situations that come up that leave you wondering f you should contact an employment lawyer. There are definitely times that warrant the intervention of an employment lawyer and court system because you have been treated unfairly as as a wage earner. However, there are also a lot of mistaken assumptions that the average employee has. Take a look at some of the most common misconceptions about employment laws most employees have.
Misconception: You can sue your employer if you are terminated without reason.
Fact: In some cases, this may be true, but not always. In fact, most employers have stipulations outlined in their hiring documents that you sign when coming on board that state they have the right to terminate an employee when they decide to do so. In these situations, the only way you may have a claim is if you can prove you were unjustly terminated because of something like age or race discrimination.
Misconception: Your employer is not allowed to change your pay unless you change positions.
Fact: Picture this: You get hired at a retail store at an hourly wage of $10 per hour, but a year later, your employer decides they want to change your pay rate to only $9 per hour. If you are like most working adults, you will assume this is grounds for a lawsuit. While this can be true in some places, many states have limited employment laws, which basically means that the employer can change the rate of pay for a position whenever they choose to do so and not face any legal repercussions.
Misconception: It is usually fairly easy to prove you were not hired for a position for a discriminatory reason.
Fact: If there is one thing that can help you build a case against a potential employer, it is any form of discrimination. However, discrimination can be extremely hard to prove, especially if you believe you did not land a job because of a discriminatory reason. While tehse cases can be successful, it must be clear to a judge that the person in charge of hiring did not choose you because of something like the color of your skin or your sexual orientation. This often requires some form of concrete documentation or sworn witness testimonies, which can be incredbly hard to come by.
Contact a law firm, like Law Offices Of Timothy O'Brien, for more help.